Saturday, August 26, 2006

saying goodbye was indeed difficult. kinship may be the brightest but the brightest flames leave the deepest scar. parents-they cried . the saddness in their eyes mirrors a lot of things. how much they cared , how much they loved and how much it hurts. i think he made a difficult choice and let him leave behind his last tear and to smile again. I WILL SEE U COUSIN HALF YEAR LATER =). saw many separation today at the airport. friends will never leave your heart even they leave for a while or for years.they will eventually meet after a decade at where they set off for their own path. even if they are dead, they will never die in your heart. friends, love ones, lovers and families like ours. friends- its really impossible to be separated. people cried, hugged. ' take care, bon vovage' its all i've heard today. i think i guess everyone had a sad feeling when u finish reading a good book and thats how it would feels when you are leaving a friend. its really hard to see oneself backview going in to the departure hall.


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