Dear Diary !
i was feeling moody the whole damn day until i saw the DOUBLE FULL RAINBOW. its so pretty!
the rainbow sets in the orange sky. omg. it makes me feel like my life is not a waste ! least i saw the the coolest rainbow ever.
i don't know for what fk reason i was moody the whole day. maybe i can't breathe through the life i am having now?
one week past.
children's wear is difficult. i guess women's wear was still the best of all? HAHA.
skipped western on wed. handed in computerised techniques . satsified. HAHA
yesterday was with jeline and huiting. we make it a point to meet every friday if made possible.
for like a year or more we skipped horror movie cos we are really scared of ghost.
and i happen to suggest to catch COMING SOON.( we should really watch hotel of dogs instead)
let me narrate a story here.
we went in , the lights went out, i took out my jacket o cover my eyes, jeline joined into my jacket, huiting acted strong and said she does not want. and after like 1min, we said we should stop and go out now. HAHAHA.
BUT we din ofcourse. and ting swore she will never ever watch horror again. i think that goes the same for me. HAHAHA.
we went mind's cafe after that but its all packed so we went to eat rocher beancurd instead.
then went bugis arcade
then headed home. i called my sis when i reach my lift cos i was scared and 'crazy the movie is not scary la' she said. HAHAHA
OH ! and my BB CREAM IS HERE ! hee!
oh ma how can i forget. I cut my hair . hmm ok again. HAHA.
i need to cut every 2 months if not my heart feels itchy. HAHA.
tried REDs and bugis this time. and btw i am a salon hopper. maybe i could be a salon critque?
weng from reds is good . although the style was still the same but i felt different. HAHAHA!.
i am feelling happier now ! stop the rain ! i really hates rainy days.

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