went out when its the time the cklass starts. late again!
went school then went arab street
bought 2 fabrics for the design top we making.
cool place to be in.
then we went eat and went back school for R class
i really seriously feel like killing R. fcuker lah!
PCB. NB. KNN. do everything, everything wrong.
i going to poke voodoo and put curse on her i swear.
walked to fareast damn hot.
then meet up with ting and jeline.
walk walk. ting bought a dress and belt.
we wander and wander.
ate mogumogu ALONE cos 2 stupid idiot want eat long john.
then went home.
i hate today lah becos of that fucking girl.
but thank god we didn't bump into curry pok gang today.
but we bump into our ah ah's family eye candy.LOL! TSK.LOL!
finally weekend arrive. i am damn tired althou i like didn't do anything this week.
this is what jasmine always did in class.LOL! JK

my lucky elephant =D
super candid. LOLS

went school then went arab street
bought 2 fabrics for the design top we making.
cool place to be in.
then we went eat and went back school for R class
i really seriously feel like killing R. fcuker lah!
PCB. NB. KNN. do everything, everything wrong.
i going to poke voodoo and put curse on her i swear.
walked to fareast damn hot.
then meet up with ting and jeline.
walk walk. ting bought a dress and belt.
we wander and wander.
ate mogumogu ALONE cos 2 stupid idiot want eat long john.
then went home.
i hate today lah becos of that fucking girl.
but thank god we didn't bump into curry pok gang today.
but we bump into our ah ah's family eye candy.LOL! TSK.LOL!
finally weekend arrive. i am damn tired althou i like didn't do anything this week.

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