saying goodbye was indeed difficult. kinship may be the brightest but the brightest flames leave the deepest scar. parents-they cried . the saddness in their eyes mirrors a lot of things. how much they cared , how much they loved and how much it hurts. i think he made a difficult choice and let him leave behind his last tear and to smile again. I WILL SEE U COUSIN HALF YEAR LATER =). saw many separation today at the airport. friends will never leave your heart even they leave for a while or for years.they will eventually meet after a decade at where they set off for their own path. even if they are dead, they will never die in your heart. friends, love ones, lovers and families like ours. friends- its really impossible to be separated. people cried, hugged. ' take care, bon vovage' its all i've heard today. i think i guess everyone had a sad feeling when u finish reading a good book and thats how it would feels when you are leaving a friend. its really hard to see oneself backview going in to the departure hall.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
the video is miyavi's new song =). i think is a super duper great song ! anyone who has seen pls comment.LOL. and discovered a new band that sounded really GREAT. their are called the ' AN CAFE ' here are the pic.
Friday, August 11, 2006
we GOT in for the audition !!! and i am satisfied with my chi O's result !!! eng oral ended peacefully too.LOL. but i really cannot stand MR T** stupid freako attitude man ! pls dun act as if u knoe everything ! worst than LIM ! ASSHOLE 3 . and stop cracking those stupid childish jokes again man. i scare i might vomit !
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i have become a very very very very bright light bulb today. so shiny man.LOL. big lawyer = BACHI.LOL. tmr english oral !! rerally hope i don't mess it up. and tmr the chi oral results will be announce and whether we go in for the audition. double attack.LOL.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
reached home at 11.15pm. first time mom din scold but still joke with us. the world has gone upside down.LOL. the fireworks was GORGEOUS. but my stupid damn shoe spoilt my mood. somemore blister burst.PAIN LIKE SIAO. a kind hearted jellyfishh exchanged shoe with me and let me walk comfortably. byt when go into the MRT station, i couldn't go in and stuck outside . then walk all the way to the end to the person and is like my feet is gotcha broke into two. then went in sit at the floor like so PATHETIC. what a day. but at least saw the fireworks with no regrets this yr.LOL.and went to the suntec fountain. made the same wish as last year. hope this wish and continue to be true. oh ya ya ! our class is damn damn united today ! everyone shuaying and singing together. wearing red and white. NICE. and went to CANDY EMPIRE ! finally get to taste wonka's chocolate. its HEAVENLY ! anyone who ate finish their choc mus give me the wrapper cos i'll be a choc wrapper collector.LOL. ITS SINGAPORE'S B'DAY LE !!! PAST 12 ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! I REALLY LOVE U ! u are so BEAUTIFUL TO ME ~~~~
Saturday, August 05, 2006
LUCIFY. SUGOI. found a new game to play. nice dancing game.LOL. 4 more days to SINGAPORE"S birthday ! mon gt a math test. sianx. and weixiang paired with yixin. COOL ENDING.LOL. I LOVE LEE JOON KI
my leg , my arms, my butt is rotting man. DAMN PAIN AND SOUR.LOL. i have no strength. am tired. today bellplates was GREAT ! we had proven everyone wrong and will prove THEM more wrong if we go thru the audition. lets practice hard for monday !.LOL. pain ~~.LOL. alone in living room now. argn ! 7th month. listening to : the veronicas-mouth shut.LOL. oh ya ! tmr FINAL ! LUCIFY all the way !. HEH HEH ! LEE JOON KI. always in my brain.LOL
Thursday, August 03, 2006
TEST. TEST. TEST. math test. science practical. oral. am vexed . today's dance practice was great and those playing bellplates were gorgeous. am proud of my class. ASSHOLE 1 said we last min backed out but she knew just NOTHING. and asshole 3 too knew nothing about us. what he talked was a pile of SHIT. I too can say i am JUST venting my anger. TEACHERS SUCKS. venting my anger.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
ASSHOLE 2 didn't come to school today ! so shiok ! but ASSHOLE 1 is damn asshole today. tmr bio mock practical test then thurs a-math. my life's a torture man. the book ' five people you meet in heaven' was great !! five stars out of QA we made yellow crystal but i did not succeed.LOL. Its was fun though. oh yea and the birthday celebration held at the celebration wall .LOL. happy b'day to all june, july and aug BABIES ! LOL. KEEP SMILING AND LOL. fri's audition ..................LOL. hope tmr mock pract will be easy.LOL